For Teachers

Teacher participation is vital to the success of the program. Quite simply, we couldn’t do all that we do without you! We thank our participating teachers for your commitment and the gift of your valuable time.


How will your students benefit?

Techsploration provides students with the tools they need to thoroughly research a career. It will increase their level of confidence and enhance their ability to make informed decisions about high school and post-secondary education and training options. It will enable them to:

  • use a career-planning model that can assist with career decisions throughout their lives
  • grasp the importance of work and how a career choice affects one’s future
  • increase their knowledge about emerging science, engineering, trades, and technology careers
  • expand their knowledge of career requirements, training paths (including apprenticeship), and employment potential
  • appreciate the value of science, math, trades, and technology classes in keeping their career options open
  • gain a more realistic perspective of a career by interacting with role models and trying our career-related activities
  • identify types of generic skills that are transferable to science, engineering, trades, and technology occupations.

If you are not a Techsploration teacher but would like to become one, please contact our Program Manager.


“I decided to become a Team Teacher because I knew first-hand the benefits of the program. I saw the importance of encouraging females to enter fields that are of interest to them, no matter the usual gender roles. I feel the program is a powerful means by which students gain confidence, learn about new careers, are empowered to follow their dreams, and learn to work as a team. I was thrilled to become involved and be able to give back to a program that gave so much to me.”

– Alicia Mills, Techsploration Alumna and Teacher